
    Zeus Platform

    2-Pocket Cash Discriminator

    Uninterrupted Counting

    Intuitive User Interface

    Lighter, Less Than 17 Pounds

    Shortest Bill Transport Path in the Industry


    Advanced Counterfeit Detection

    Detailed Reporting

    Fewer Rejected Bills

    Best Bill Recognition

    Ergonomic Design

    Designed with Serviceability in Mind

    Easy to Use


    Zeus was developed to move cash discrimination forward. We envisioned a discriminator that would streamline cash processing, making it faster, easier, and more accurate regardless of bill condition. The result is Zeus with its state-of-the-art bill recognition, unsurpassed counterfeit detection, and minimalistic machine design — driven by an extremely intuitive user interface. Try Zeus and you’ll quickly know why it defines a new dawn in currency discrimination.

    Cassida PRO Series products are innovative, featuring leading-edge technology to exceed the needs of demanding cash processing environments where durability and accuracy are the main requirements. As part of the Cassida PRO Series, the engineering, design, user interface, and precision of the Zeus 2-pocket currency discriminator are backed by over a decade of service to global banks, financial institutions, and larger retailers.

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